Monday, September 5, 2011


Very new to this, but I've always wanted to start an art/music/anything creatively inspired type of blog... And since i'm currently a freshman at an art school here in Manila, I thought this would be the perfect time to make one.

For my first entry, I'll be posting 2 of my History sketches

My first pot drawing. Did this for History class, and yes, I kind of concentrated on the details there (Pottery in Japan, Jomon period)

The Venus of Willendorf. The most famous early image of a woman. She is fertile of heart, mind and body. (Paleolithic age)

I know..I'm not very good.. But I'll practice, and soon enough you'll see some progress (Hopefully!)
Well, that's a start. I will now hit the sheets and hopefully think of other things to blog about. Eggciting. x

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